Thursday 2 June 2011

June 2 Ein Gedi, Masada, Negev Desert

After a quick breakfast, we proceeded to do some filming of Yaakov Berg and Dean Bye at the Psagot Winery. Return Ministries is very interested in partnering with the Bergs to construct some living accommodations for people making aliyah or for gentiles to live in while they volunteer in Israel.
Our next stop was to Ein Gedi, another beautiful Nature Reserve where we were refreshed in the pools. Karen Dunham, of Living Bread International Church, met us when we had returned to the visitor center. As she told her story of how the Lord saved her and then inspired her to begin working in Palistinian refugee camps, we were amazed. “She brought the pure love of Jesus to them, and is now highly regarded by the Israeli government and tolerated by the Palestinian Authority. She has access to all 28 refugee camps in the land and gives the Bread of Life right along with whatever compassionate care she is able to provide. She is no stranger to being on the receiving end of violent acts by terrorists, but boldly carries on behind the shield of the One she serves so selflessly, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Miraculously, she now pastors a Christian church at #7 Prophet Street, just steps away from the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. She inspired us with stories of God’s Spirit moving amongst the Arab people and gave thanks and glory to God for salvations, healings and deliverance. What a privilege it was to join our hearts with hers today and to seed into the work God has called this bold, humble lady to.” Peg Byars See Karen took time to pray for each person on our team! 
Karen Dunham praying for Dean Bye

Playing in the pool of Ein Gedi
Dan with Julian, a new friend.
Another amazing God-incidence happened while we were at Ein Gedi: Dan met for the fourth time a young American man traveling with a Birthright group! Both interpreted this miraculous repeated re-encounter as a sign that perhaps Julian should consider making aliyah (moving to Israel) and his heart was open to the idea!
We ascended Masada in a sky tram
Completely re-energized we continued our journey to Masada, King Herod’s Fortress. We learned of how this mountain was the last Jewish stand against the Romans before being beaten into submission.
Sharing a meal amid the extensive almond grove
A wonderful surprise awaited us in the Negev Desert enroute to Nitzana. Dr. Jair Yehuda’s sister, her husband and other families work together to grow almonds, grapes, olives, grapefruit, apricots and cherries in the middle of the desert and prepared a simple feast for our team in the middle of an almond grove. It was heartwarming to spend time with this Orthodox Jewish couple. Their work is part of the fulfillment of Isaiah 27: 6, “in days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit.” 
The beginning of another vineyard


(written by Karilyn Schultz at our Return Ministries’ base before leaving for Israel – from Isaiah 51)
O Israel, O Israel – hear the Voice
O Israel, O Israel – hear the Voice of the One who’s calling,
The Voice that’s calling you home
The Lord will comfort Zion
He’ll look with compassion on her
He will make her deserts like Eden
Her wastelands like the Garden of the Lord
For Yeshua
Yes,  your Yeshua
Calls you to awake, calls you to rise
The ransom of the Lord, He’ll leave no one behind
You’ll enter Zion with singing and dancing
And gladness and joy will become your crown
Do not fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults,
For Yeshua, yes, your Yeshua
A typical trailer that a Jewish family making aliyah might live in.
Please note the flowers blooming beside the steps - it is as though the Jew has a natural bent toward beauty! 

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