Saturday 4 June 2011

June 4 Nitzana

Gisela speaking about her experiences. Our first time in a synagogue.

The after glow of that amazing meeting with God.

Our last day in the land began with our first ever time in synagogue. In Peg Byars’ words: We listened to “the testimony of how Gisela, an Argentinean Jew who made Aliyah many years ago and is now a volunteer at Nitzana, came to place her faith in Yeshua... Gisela’s story is one of deliverance from deep depression and a life without hope. At her lowest point, she was befriended by our friends Rachel and Avner Boskey who poured their love and the word of God into her. But it was Jolanda Pinchas who helped her through one of the biggest hurdles Jewish people face when considering Yeshua – the divinity of this Man from Galilee and the Trinity – three Persons in one God. All their lives, Jews say the Shema – Hear O Israel the Lord your God is One. How could this Yeshua be God’s son and have deity like the Father? 
Jolanda took Gisela to Genesis 1:26 to begin her journey:  Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness . . .”  Then she used the analogy of water and the three states of water: liquid, steam and ice – yet all water, to bring light to the doctrine of the Trinity. Suddenly, something in Gisela’s heart opened and the revelation of the power of the blood of Yeshua began to take form. There is much more to the story as this precious woman was besieged by demons for many years, but now, armed with Yeshua within her heart, she began to walk in authority under sound teaching and oversight, and one by one, the demons had to depart from her.  She thanked God for the blood of His Son that set her free and encouraged us to appropriate the blood of the Lamb to be rid of any demonic influence in our lives. Dean invited anyone who was troubled in this area, or who had a loved one or friend in bondage, to come forward for prayer.    
This synagogue became holy ground as Yeshua ministered freedom to many. The next hour was one of chains being broken and prisoners being set free; of secret sins confessed and the blood of Yeshua joyfully claiming His own.  God created an environment of His Presence in this place and the enemy had no choice but to flee.  How special of the Lord, that in the fullness of time on this tour, He ended our time together in such a precious and powerful way. All glory to our Saviour and Lord!”

 I had the opportunity to speak with a Ukrainian Jew named Peter with the hopes of encouraging him to move to Israel. I shared about our family's historical roots and how grateful we are to my grandparents for immigrating from the Ukraine in 1930.
Following that amazing time with the Lord, we hopped on the bus with all of our luggage and made our way back to Tel Aviv. After saying goodbye to our great bus driver and settling into the Gilgal Hotel once more, most of us headed for the beach of the Mediterranean Sea. 
Our last meal together before departure.

Being in Israel has changed our lives! We are so grateful to Return Ministries for walking with us in the Land.

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