Friday 20 May 2011

May 20 - Warwick

Castles, Princesses, Battles, Ramparts, Rose Gardens, Chivalry, Knights in Shining Armor.... sigh! 
Yesterday, dreams came true as my family and the Talbots took in the marvelous sites of Warwick Castle. Built by William the Conqueror in the 10th century and continually kept up to the times by royals such as Henry VIII,  Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, and Diana, Princess of Wales, Warwick Castle was a beautiful, family fun experience (my personal highlight of the England leg of our Schultz Adventures). 
God blessed us with a very unique experience! We were asked when we entered the castle if we wanted to be the Trebuchet runners (medieval peasants who would run in the hamster wheel of an 80 ft. catapult!). Of course we said yes! And before we knew it, James, Kathleen, Karilyn, David, and myself were being trained as ‘hamsters’ to power this 7 ton war machine; the only ones to control it for that day with an audience of a few hundred watching across a small river. 
“Walking around the ramparts and walls of the castle was amazing!” - John
                  No words need be spoken about this photo.. ;)

“The strong contrast between the dungeons and the church upstairs made it very hard for me to see their real love for God.” - Dan 
“The wax figures were so extremely life like! So freaky!” - Kathleen
                   Met her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

“The roles that people filled as actors were wonderfully done, it felt surreal to be on top of a castle in England and exciting to work the catapult!” - Kari
                   Our catapult crew ready to rumba!

All in all, an experience I would love to redo again! And we would all deeply recommend it- Catapults and all!
~ Kristi

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