Thursday 26 May 2011

May 26 Elon Moreh

Karilyn wrote this poem, “Beloved Israel” before we left home and it seemed so appropriate to read and proclaim it today: 
Once Lost
Now Found
A Price Paid
A Life Given
For a Life Taken
Do you hear a call?
A call filled with Hope
Sung from a Heart
                                Once weeping
                                                Now singing
Carrying Sheaves sown
Sown in Joy
Arise and Return
Alive and Reborn

Today started with a journey to Elon Moreh, where few Jews and Christians travel. Our guide, Gershon, lives in this beautiful village with his wife and six children. We saw schools, neat homes and yards, some with rose bushes fully blooming. 

Mount Gerizim, the mountain of blessing and Mount Ebal, the mountain of cursing can be clearly seen from here in the region of Manasseh. See Deuteronomy 11: 29 - 31. Although there has been much media and Muslim opposition to Elon Moreh, it is land clearly given to the Jewish people by God. We could see the ancient city of Shechem, where the patriarch, Joseph’s bones are buried, which has been renamed Nebulus by the Muslims.

John and David with an unexpected find.

A hill top overlooking Elon Moreh and Shechem

We were served a delicious lunch by Nir and Shira Lavi on the top of Mount Gerizim in a quaint building. They are fulfilling Amos 9: 13 - 15 with a pioneering spirit and diligent labour.

Then a guide from the Shomron Liaison Office joined us to view the three seas: the Sea of Galilee, the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea. Here in the heartland of Israel we made Biblical declarations and our dancers worshipped the Lord of the dance. 

We then travelled to Itamar where a random act of terrorism in March, 2011, killed some residents. You can read about the Fogel family at 

Kathleen was moved to pen this song from a possible perspective of Tamar:
Oh what a price we’ve paid,
The pain won’t go away,
For to live a life,
Taking a stand against the strife
Father, Mother gone,
My life is turned around,
Hope is fading now,
Yet I’ll hold on, hold on
For You, O Lord, are my strong tower (yeah),
You, O Lord, are my Saviour,
And I’ll put my trust in You, I’ll put my trust in You
I will not be moved, my feet are planted here,
I will not release the promise from You
Stretching out my hand
For unity – in the nation,
Turning my cheek – to the left,

Oh help me, God
Understand me, here’s my story, in the land together, in harmony
We traveled to Givot Olam Organic Farm where this hardworking and enterprising Jewish family sells organic meat and milk products. We were privileged to enter an amazing ancient wine cellar built at the time of Joshua while in the preparatory stages for becoming a tourist attraction! 
At Shiloh
Hillel, another guide joined us as we journeyed to Shiloh to the site where the ark of God stood in Shiloh for 369 years. As we listened to Hillel, I investigated a square meter of vegetation around  the rock I sat on. The varieties of plants (some succulent, some wiry, others wispy, or thick) reminded me of the varieties of people in Israel with the same possibility of mutually beneficial relationships! We had an extended time of intercession, worship, mediation, singing and joy as the Lord met each of us among the ruins of where His glory presence dwelt. 

Resting in Psagot
Tired yet with full hearts, we finally reached Psagot, where we returned to familiar sleeping quarters.
Sleeping in the vineyard

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