Saturday 28 May 2011

May 28 Shabbat

Dr. Jair Yehuda, daughter Rachel, son Noam with his wife, Yaffa and their 2 girls, shared singing and teaching with us for most of the afternoon. They are Orthodox Jews who love the Torah, Hashem (the Lord), their children, the land of Israel for starters. Last night when we welcomed the Shabbat together, we saw photos of the gathering and ceremony for Jair’s grandson’s circumcision. It was special for them to share this part of their lives with us. The Jews have weekly readings from the Torah called Parsha, this week’s parsha reading comes from Numbers 3. Redeeming this first born son was part of the ceremony.
Here’s what we’ve learned about Shabbat since participating twice: Shabbat is the only day off each week so the Jews really keep the observance seriously. There is a ceremony to welcome it and to bid it farewell, in fact the rest of the week is spent either anticipating it or glowing from it! It is primarily a time for family and the giving of blessings. Jair spoke of “the notion of the Shabbat being a gateway to ascribe to return to intimacy with the father,” and that although “the Jews kept the Shabbat, the Shabbat kept the Jews” through all these thousands of years. One more significant thing Jair shared was when we reconnect with God, the earth responds! Things will grow. We were introduced to a new website that Dean Bye, Jair and others are involved in developing which will facilitate communication between Jews, Christian Zionists and Muslim Zionists! The goal is to study the Bible and to seek a greater understanding of God and each other to spark the development of unity! Praise the Lord for e-noam. Another aspect of Jewishness that I want to learn more about is celebrating the Biblical feasts such as Passover (thanks Mom for a really great start), Tabernacles, and Harvest. 
 (written by Karilyn during our time in Galilee inspired by Isaiah 60, 62)
Nations shall see Your victory
Every king Your majesty
 You shall be called by a new name
A name that the Lord will bestow
On you, on you
Oh Jerusalem, O Zion
The name His delightful One
 The name His Glorious Crown
 A Bride who’s waiting for her Groom
 The name His Beloved One
The Name His Shinning Star
A bride that’s being called to her Groom
Nations shall see Your radiance
 HaShem’s presence over you
Your sons shall be brought from afar
All returning to You and calling You
So hear the Voice of your Deliverer
 Hear the Voice of your Redeemer
 Rise up and embrace your place as His pure Brides

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